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Benchmark AHB2 Update

Benchmark AHB2 Update

Latest AHB2 Updates

9/24/14 - Live Demonstration

The AHB2 and SMS1 will be demonstrated at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest October 10-12, 2014. Come experience this stunning combination in person. Meet Sales Manager Rory Rall and Speaker Designer Dave MacPherson. Enter to win a Benchmark DAC (1 winner per show). We will be accepting orders for the AHB2 at the show.

9/24/14 - Product Display

The AHB2 and SMS1 will be on display at the AES Convention in LA October 9-12, 2014. Stop by booth 1421 to meet John Siau and other members of the engineering team. Enter to win a Benchmark DAC (1 winner per show). We will be accepting orders for the AHB2 at the show.

Read the full AHB2 product description or the latest articles on the amplifier.

More AHB2 Updates

9/24/14 - Live Demonstration

The AHB2 and SMS1 will be demonstrated at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest October 10-12, 2014. Come experience this stunning combination in person. Meet Sales Manager Rory Rall and Speaker Designer Dave MacPherson. Enter to win a Benchmark DAC (1 winner per show). We will be accepting orders for the AHB2 at the show.

9/24/14 - Product Display

The AHB2 and SMS1 will be on display at the AES Convention in LA October 9-12, 2014. Stop by booth 1421 to meet John Siau and other members of the engineering team. Enter to win a Benchmark DAC (1 winner per show). We will be accepting orders for the AHB2 at the show.

7/31/14 - Final Stages of Testing

The AHB2 is currently undergoing the final stages of testing at independent labs. We are also awaiting the arrival of some custom components. We will be releasing production units when components arrive and testing is completed.

7/28/14 - Surround Sound Demonstration

Three Benchmark AHB2 amplifiers were demonstrated in a surround sound system at the Capital Audiofest. The system included three Benchmark AHB2 amplifiers driving Legacy Expression and Legacy Studio HD loudspeakers.

7/30/14 - AHB2 Application Note

Read our latest Application Note describing the unique topology of the AHB2: "A Radical Approach to Power Amplification" and join the discussion on Facebook.

7/31/14 - Final Stages of Testing

The AHB2 is currently undergoing the final stages of testing at independent labs. We are also awaiting the arrival of some custom components. We will be releasing production units when components arrive and testing is completed.

Also in News

AXPONA 2024 Chicago - April 12-14

AXPONA 2024 Chicago - April 12-14

by Benchmark Media Systems April 05, 2024

Visit us at AXPONA 2024

  • April 12-14, 2024
  • Schaumburg Convention Center, Chicago, IL
  • Two Benchmark Rooms, Three Locations!
  • Room 620 - Benchmark and Studio Electric Loudspeakers
  • Room 1145 - Benchmark and Porzilli Audio Note Line Array
  • Expo Hall - Booth 8216 - Benchmark HPA4 and Meze Audio Headphones
Benchmark DAC3 B

Win a DAC3 B

Visit us at AXPONA and enter to win a DAC3 B

One winner per show. One entry per person. You do not need to be present to win. Drawing will take place 7 days after the show ends. Winner is responsible for taxes. Must be a USA or CA resident. Winner will be notified by email. Telephone number will be used if we cannot reach you by email. Telephone number will not be used for any other purpose.

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CANJAM NYC 2024 Logo, March 9-10, 2024

CANJAM 2024 New York - March 9-10

by Benchmark Media Systems March 05, 2024

Head-Fi Presents the World's Premier Headphone Audio Show

If you enjoy listening with headphones, a CANJAM show should be on your bucket list. Register for a CANJAM show today!

When you go, be sure to visit the Benchmark booth. We will be showing our reference-quality HPA4 headphone amplifier and DAC3 converter. This signal chain defines the state of the art when it comes to transparency, low noise, and low distortion. To top it off, the HPA4 has the power to drive the most difficult headphones with ease.

All the Best Headphones at One Booth!

As usual, we will have all of the newest and hottest headphones at the Benchmark booth. You will be able to make side-by-side comparisons to find out which headphones are best for you. You can even try those "hard to drive" headphones to see just how well they are handled by the Benchmark HPA4. Try all the best headphones at one booth so that you can make direct comparisons. Warning - the Benchmark Booth is a popular spot, get there early!

We are Giving Away a Benchmark DAC3 B ($1,899.00 value)

While you are at the Benchmark booth, enter to win a Benchmark DAC3 B.

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David and McKenzie Siau

David and McKenzie Siau

by John Siau July 29, 2022

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." - John 15:13

David Paul Siau - June 25, 1983 - July 17, 2022

McKenzie Joy Siau - December 30, 2020 - July 17, 2022

On the evening of July 17, 2022, my oldest son David Paul Siau gave the ultimate sacrifice of love when he knowingly gave his life to save those he loved. He took three shots from a 12 gauge shotgun so that his wife, children and sister could be spared.

David is survived by his wife Christy Siau and their two oldest children, ages 6 and 3. His 18-month old daughter McKenzie was killed within moments of David. I have no doubt that David and McKenzie entered into God’s glory hand in hand.

My daughter-in-law Christy Siau was shot and nearly killed in the incident. We are grateful that she is now out of the hospital making a full recovery.

In the end, my daughter Christina Siau fought the attacker with a knife and prevailed. She sustained many knife injuries and it is a miracle that she lived. She is now out of the hospital and making a full recovery.

We ask your prayers for the healing of physical and emotional scars. We have been overwhelmed by the love people have shown to our family during this difficult time.

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